Month: December 2019

  • Opening the eyes of humanity

    Why is that we humans struggle to see the objective world around us and the role we play within it?  After many hours of slamming my face repeatedly against a paper recently shared with me, this is the question I found myself asking myself.  Before I explain the paper and how I came to this…

  • How to think like the “brains” you admire

    Beautiful brains If you’re not a fan of body parts or biology, yes I agree, brains can be gross… But this wrinkly little sponge can do some amazing things when used in the right way. I personally have never been one to admire others for their beauty, money, experiences, or status, but when it comes…

  • How Machines Think

    “Words and symbols, that’s all they are…” This quote is something I’ve repeated to myself almost daily over the past 6+ months. “Why?” you ask, let me explain. In the past whenever I would meet someone working on something truly inspiring, such as Space Colonization, Artificial General Intelligence, or Nuclear Fusion, I found myself defaulting…

  • Stillness is the key – lessons learned

    Timing is everything, especially when it comes to discovering books that really shift your perspective. Luckily, “Stillness” has done just that for me… Helping me zoom out to see the forest through the trees. Ryan has done it again! Whittling down the thoughts and behaviors from a wide variety of inspirational characters into simple, but…

  • Knowing vs. Understanding

    So over the last couple of months, I’ve been catching myself giving advice to others that I rarely apply. This brought me to think… Why is it always so much easier to give advice to someone else, instead of applying it yourself? The gap between “knowing” and “understanding” hangs on one simple thing… ACTION! It’s…

  • Be A Man!

    Be A Man! What thoughts come to mind when seeing that…?  For me and most of you that grew up in the Western world, this phrase probably brings up some fictional character like James Bond or Gaston (depending on your taste. Ha!). A “man” that knows how to control their emotions, a man that never…

  • Running with F.I.R.E

    Most things in life come down to either luck or timing, usually both. For me, when coming across an interesting idea, timing is everything… When I say “timing”, I’m talking about my mental state and what’s happening in my life at the moment, these two combined usually control if a concept resonates or not. Most…

  • Learning In Public

    Note from Dylan before diving into my brain on this page… This is an intro post, so it’s a bit longer than expected, but you’ll have to deal with it. :)… Also, I don’t have a set channel for communicating my learnings publicly, so this could easily turn into videos or podcasts… Stay tuned! A…