Month: September 2020
The Diamond Model
The difference between a clever and not so clever person comes down to one’s ability to think. Thinking is something we all do, but not everyone thinks with structure. Another name for this structured thinking is called a “mental model” and we all use them, but most of us are unconscious of the models we’re…
Career Shifts
Two and a half months ago I realized cybersecurity was the industry I wanted to dedicate my career towards, but this realization took many months of research, frustration, reflection, and writing. How I came about this realization is for a different day. Today I want to share with you how I went from deciding on…
InfoSec Playbook
As Aesop says, “Good things come in small packages” and this week’s post we’ll label as a small package. The book I finished this week is called “Crafting the InfoSec Playbook”, which is written for those looking to improve their SOC or incident response (IR) teams. This book does a good job laying out all…