Month: October 2020

  • Legendary 20 – Part 5

    This is it, the grand finale of our CIS 20 critical controls five-part series.  Five weeks ago we began with an introduction to what the CIS 20 controls are, why they’re relevant, and how they’re applied, so if you’re new to the series go check out part 1. If not, let’s get this party started.…

  • Legendary 20 – Part 4

    Control is an illusion. We, humans, think we’re in control, but this can’t be further from reality.  This week in the CIS framework our main focus will be control and even though the idea of control is an illusion… we can always try.  If you’re new to the series head over to the first three…

  • Legendary 20 – Part 3

     This is our trilogy moment!  Trilogies can sometimes be good, right? For example Lord of the Rings, Back to the Future, and the original Star Wars trilogy.  This week we’re continuing our CIS 20 critical control series with the “foundational” subcontrols 9 – 12. If you’re in need of context or missed the first two…

  • The Legendary 20 – Part 2

    Back at it again with part 2!  This week we’re continuing our journey through the CIS 20 Critical Controls and if this security framework is new to you, go check out part 1.   Today we’re transitioning from “basic” to “fundamental” controls.  Time is fleeting, so let’s not waste it with intro fluff. 😉 Control 5…

  • The Legendary 20 – Part 1

    This is the beginning of a five-part series all about the CIS 20 critical controls (+ their subcontrols). A few different talking heads in the world of cybersecurity recommend this as one of the foundational frameworks that most companies should follow when aspiring to stand up a security program.  Before I introduce this framework we’re…