Month: February 2023

  • D-Squared Musings Week 10

    D-Squared Musings – Week 10 Security 👐 Zero Touch Prod: Towards Safer and More Secure Production Environments (slides) Education ⛈️ Are clouds having their on-prem moment? 🦀 Rust in 2024 Miscellaneous 🦜 Chamath Palihapitiya Joins Dan Nathan at iConnections Global Alts 2023

  • D-Squared Musings Week 9

    D-Squared Musings – Week 9 Security 🐞 Boosting Cloud Native Security With eBPF 🔑 Passkeys – Toward a passwordless future Education 🎤 Tobi Lütke & Kaz Nejatian on Shopify’s Country-Sized Economy | Network State Podcast with Balaji #2 💻  Panel Discussion: WebAssembly (WASM) Miscellaneous 🧑‍💼 Hire Managers of One 🐜 Marvel Studios’ Ant-Man and The…

  • ZK Vuln – Zcash Hash Collision

    Sources: The Impact Double spending, while creating money out of thin air Someone with enough computing power to find 128-bit hash collisions would have been able to double-spend money to themselves, creating Zcash out of thin air. For every 128-bit hash collision the attacker finds, they can effectively double their wealth by combining all of…

  • ZK Vuln – Frozen Heart

    Podcast on the backstory of this vulnerability Outline TL;DR If you don’t want to read the detailed posts, I recommend reading the intro post, which provides an intuitive understanding of the issue. Frozen Heart Frozen Heart exploits one main issue. That’s the incorrect implementation of Fiat-Shamir. Trail of Bits quotes sums it up well. the…

  • Common ZK Vulnerabilities

    Shout out to Kyle and Gubsheep for creating this resource! Resources – Source here Bug 1 and 2 – Under-constrained Circuits + Nondeterministic Circuits This specific section of vulns is the 80/20 rule. 20% of the vulns impact 80% of the projects – at least today, from this list. When programming in Circom, Ciaro, and…

  • eBPF Introduction

    What is it?  “eBPF does to Linux Kernels what Javascript does to HTML” – Brendan Gregg, Netflix.  👆I.e. Makes the kernel programmable, without needing to create completely new kernel modules.  We’re now able to wedge a program (eBPF) in between the user world (user space) and kernel world (kernel space) to observe and act on…

  • D-Squared Musings Week 8

    D-Squared Musings – Week 8 Security ⛅ Practical Cloud Security Education 🎤 The Network State Podcast with Balaji #1 (Vitalik) 🇨🇳  Why China is Losing the microchip war Miscellaneous 🤖 Open Assistant an attempt (with traction) to open source ChatGPT – Video, Website, GitHub. 🔕 Microsoft’s New AI Clones Your Voice In 3 Seconds!

  • D-Squared Musings Week 7

    D-Squared Musings – Week 7 Security 🐛 Common Zero-Knowledge Proof Vulnerabilities 💾  Resiliency Superpowers with eBPF Education 📚 How to Read a Book: The Classic Guide to Intelligent Reading Miscellaneous 👁️  1,000 Blind People See For The First Time 🧓  Why I Am Spending Millions To Be 18 Again