• What is “normal”

    If you turn around and look into humanity’s past you’ll see an interesting pattern… Our perception of “normal” changes over time. There are many examples, but here are a few I could think of…  Looking back it seems crazy that society would label any of these ideas or practices as “normal”, but sure enough, almost…

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  • Less Wrong

    Life is complex and when I say “life” I mean all aspects of life… Finances, biology, ecosystems, love, intellect, etc.  The feeling of being “right” is nice, but the more I dig into complexity, the more I realize, we’re NEVER “right”, we’re just a little “less wrong”. This is important, so I’ll repeat it… You’re…

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  • Exploring the “ultimate” problem

    What is “intelligence”?  Intelligence is an interesting word and its definition is something we all struggle to agree on, especially the experts. Even though we’re unable to agree on a single definition for “intelligence” we know it’s possibly the most important feature of humanity… It’s what separates us from every other species on this planet.…

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  • The disappearing “Cloud” of human knowledge

    I have a question for you… “What’s worth knowing?” This is the question I’ve come back to time and time again while researching cloud technology. But… Before we discuss this deep question let’s first understand how we’ve got to this moment.  Cloud technology is the topic for this week, as usual, I’ve run into many…

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  • Opening the eyes of humanity

    Why is that we humans struggle to see the objective world around us and the role we play within it?  After many hours of slamming my face repeatedly against a paper recently shared with me, this is the question I found myself asking myself.  Before I explain the paper and how I came to this…

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