Month: July 2020
Zero to Zero – Linux Basics
Nope, the title isn’t a typo. Too many people are afraid of omitting ignorance in a topic, especially when it’s in an area, we’re interested in making a career out of it, but that’s your ego talking. Once you give your ego complete control you’re bound to a life of intellectual, emotional, physical, and spiritual…
Accelerated Learning
I’m a bit delayed, I know… It’s been a week since I’ve published a TRLT post, but I have a good reason. About 2 weeks ago I decided to dive into the world of cybersecurity, but I wanted to go deeper than usual wandering for this TRLT journey. Instead of just researching the industry I…
Temporary – D30
Temporary – Day 30 30-Day Writing Challenge Alright, my people, this is day 30 and we’re wrapping this writing series up with a bang! Everything you’ve ever known and ever will know will disappear, no one will remember you or what you’ve done. Everything we create such as companies, technology, ideas, stories, etc. is all…
Immersive Learning – D29
Immersive Learning – Day 29 30-Day Writing Challenge A popular tactic for learning a new language is immersion. The strategy is simple, drop yourself in the middle of the language you’re aiming to learn and survive. 🙂 – The trick is to ensure you have no alternative. For example, imagine you want to learn Mandarine……