D-Squared Musings – Week 20


⛓️ LangChain YouTube Course

  • I’m sure if you’re at all interested in generative AI, specifically LLMs you’ve come across Langchain. You can think of it as the background connective tissue that stitches our LLMs to the outside world via APIs. This allows our LLM to browse the web, order food, and interact with basically anything that has an API. I’ve slowly been working my way through this playlist over the last couple of weeks. 

💰 E21: VC Insights on Investing in Artificial Intelligence with Sarah Guo and Elad Gil of No Priors

  • Sarah and Elad are well-informed on the AI marketplace as it stands today. This is due to their active investing in the space as VCs, as well as their surprisingly good AI podcast, No Priors

📃 Google “We Have No Moat, And Neither Does OpenAI”

  • A very interesting leaked document dropped yesterday. 😲 A Googler put out a memo to many other Google employees talking about how Google, as well as OpenAI, are getting their lunch eaten by the open-source community. Turns out that large models, lots of data, and costly training cycles (time and money) are not the path to winning the AI market (at least not now). Here’s a Twitter space on the topic. My thoughts: This seems directionally accurate for the short term. In the long term, the big tech players will likely rule the market due to different advanced model architectures and alt. training methods.


🔍 The Unbearable heaviness of being positioned

  • This is a great post covering Google’s current risk of being replaced within the search market (TLDR: less likely than most make it seem). The entire time reading this piece I kept looking through the lens of personal risk, not company risk. We all have “positioned” ourselves in our careers, which opens us up to outliers and long-term risks. Especially those lifelong corporate folks (i.e. me), lacking the entrepreneurial skills to survive. 

💽 Avlok Kohli, AngelList CEO: Artificial Intelligence and Dual Threat CEOs

  • The first 30ish minutes of this conversation was an interesting one for me since Avlok has a unique perspective on the impact of AI on the broader economy. His ability to confidently state bold claims with logical reasoning makes this an enjoyable listen.


🎤 A $1M Bitcoin Bet, Preventing Hangovers, AI Companions, Affordable Luxuries, Hi-Fi Audio, and More!

  • Always love seeing these two together. 😀 Kevin was one of if not the very first episode on the Tim Ferriss show and they’ve been good friends for a long time, so seeing them banter back and forth is a great experience. Especially, on topics I find interesting. 

🏜️ Dune: Part Two – Official Trailer (2023)