How do you keep up with AI?

Don’t want to read? Then listen

People often ask me, “How do you keep up with AI?” In this post, I aim to answer that. Here are the resources I currently rely on to stay plugged in with the cool AI kids.

I’ve broken them into categories and ranked them within each category. Plus, I even created a pretty little diagram to show where I find the most value. Remember, this list is dynamic and might change in about six months. But for now, it gives you a glimpse into where I gather my AI insights.

Let’s begin with a breakdown of the value I find in each source.

Our X-axis represents the mental power required to digest the information from each source, while the Y-axis reflects my excitement level about the information I uncover. This is my biased lens for AI-specific content. 

Here are the details, ranked from my favorite (at the top) to least favorite (at the bottom) within each category.


  • AI Explained: A top pick for me, this YouTube channel skillfully blends news and research, with new videos twice a week.
  • Unsupervised Learning: A weekly newsletter, that covers security-related content. Daniel’s recently incorporated more AI-security content, so for security-minded folks, you might find this useful. 
  • TLDR Sec: Another security-related weekly newsletter that’s AppSec-focused. It often overlaps with Unsupervised Learning in AI-security topics. Choose this if you prefer more technical content.
  • TLDR: Provides daily updates on tech in general, but commonly includes AI. The AI stuff is usually covered in other sources, so if you’re solely interested in AI, then ignore this one. 
  • Bens Bites: Timely news, but too high-level for my liking. Good for a quick catchup on what’s happened today in AI, but it’s too frequent for me (daily). I rarely read all of them each week. 


  • Import AI: A must-read weekly newsletter for me. It’s thoughtfully curated with insightful commentary and leans heavily on research. This is one of my primary sources for research updates.
  • Patent Drop: This weekly newsletter covers tech more broadly but often includes AI-related patents. It offers valuable insights into the patents filed by major companies, providing clues about future developments.  
  • Yannic Kilcher: A YouTube channel updating weekly with the latest in AI research. I find the most value in the first 25% of each video, where he introduces topics. But once he goes into detailed math, I’m lost. 
  • Simon Willison: Publishing roughly bi-weekly, Simon focuses on AI security and implementation. His newsletter is like a detailed diary of his recent learnings. Ideal for those who appreciate in-depth details.
  • Ahead of AI: A bi-weekly, highly technical newsletter covering new research and fundamental AI topics. It’s for those who enjoy delving deep. I tend to read about half of the issues.

Deep Dives

  • Latent Space Podcast: This weekly podcast features in-depth conversations with AI founders and builders. I highly recommend subscribing if you’re interested in what the San Francisco AI folks are thinking about and working on. 
  • Cognitive Revolution Podcast: Another weekly podcast, offering thorough interviews with AI founders and researchers. I would say 75% of the content is useful, the other 25% is either too niche or ranty.
  • No Priors Podcast: Hosted weekly by two AI VCs, this podcast involves interviews with AI researchers and founders. They excel in balancing strategic insights with technical details. If you’re interested in how the AI market is evolving you’ll want to give two thumbs up for this crew. 

For other resources I want to give a shoutout to @SWYX, he’s done a great job learning in public and sharing the resources that have worked for him – See his resource list of podcasts, newsletters, etc. here. 

The resources I’ve shared have been valuable to me, and I hope they’ll serve you just as well.  Feel free to share any of your go-to resources.