Month: June 2020
Identity Masks – D19
Identity Masks – Day 19 30-Day Writing Challenge Identity is formed through one-on-one relationships, groups we’re a part of, and the interactions between these two. Once this identity is accepted we attach to that character when in the “right” context, whether we like it or not. A simple example is we act a certain way…
Stories – D18
Stories – Day 18 30-Day Writing Challenge We tell ourselves stories about who we are (identity), what we like (preferences), and how others see us (our masks). These stories are artificially created via the magic of our subconscious most of the time and they all tend to be more harmful than helpful. Once I became…
Money – D17
Money – Day 17 30-Day Writing Challenge I’m amazed by how deeply engrained money is in my psychology. Certainty, comfort, and security are powerful drivers for many people, including myself… but we rarely question why this is the case. I realize money is just a symbol, a piece of paper that’s exchanged for goods and…
Time & Space – D16
Time & Space – Day 16 30-Day Writing Challenge Outer space has always been a place of wonder and magic for me. I remember when I first discovered how light traveled through space and it’s something I think about any time looking into the night sky. Did you know when looking at a star, you’re…
Pedestals – D15
Pedestals – D15 30-Day Writing Challenge When I was younger my parents taught me to respect my elders, never to question what other parents said. This behavior worked well during my childhood and all my friend’s parents loved me, but this mentality slipped into other areas of my life… I’ve always put those I admire…
Dear younger me – D14
Dear younger me – Day 14 30-Day Writing Challenge Dear younger me… There’s a lot you can improve, but that’s the case for everyone, so don’t feel obligated to take this unsolicited advice as gospel… Just take a little time to reflect on each point. There’s a lot more I could say here, but I…
Curiosity – D13
Curiosity – Day 13 30-Day Writing Challenge Maintaining a life of curiosity is difficult when the world is constantly telling you to “stay in your lane”. The cliche comments about curiosity usually revolve around children having it beaten out of them during school. Instead of constantly asking questions and following their curiosity, they’re taught to…
Balancing Habits – D12
Balancing Habits – Day 12 30-Day Writing Challenge I’m a person of habit, which some people envy, but there’s always a negative to every positive. The obvious benefit of being an extremely habitual person is that you’re able to manipulate your routines into activities that improve your health, intellect, and emotions. For me, this takes…
Space Internet – Starlink 1
Space Internet
Wisdom > Power (D11)
Wisdom > Power – Day 11 30-Day Writing Challenge “With great power comes great responsibility” – Uncle Ben (Spiderman) Humanity could use a wise Uncle Ben right about now. Never in human history have we ever held as much power as we do right now. Before Nuclear weapons, there was no way any single group…